The tale revolves around Jailor Kapil Dev Singh (Mamootty) a strict disciplinarian. Among those imprisoned in his jail is the pregnant Jeeva (Jaya Prada), serving a life sentence because on the very next day of her marriage to Shiva (Rishi Kapoor) whom she loved more than anyone else in the world Thakur Yashpal Singh (Raja Murad) was instrumental in having Shiva murdered for he had his evil eyes set on Jeeva. Jeeva then avenged her husband's death by killing Yashpal Singh and in her eyes it was not a crime at all. Yashpal Singh's brother-in-law Kripa Singh (Danny Denzongpa) and his widow (Shashi Vijya) vow to seek revenge. Meanwhile, Jeeva gives birth to a baby-boy Kapil Dev Singh and Munna (Master Sunny) develop a special relationship and the attachment is immense. Kapil Dev Singh decides to shield Jeeva and Munna from every possible threat posed by Kripal Singh but the latter is hatching plan after plan. Kapil Dev Singh has a fight on his hands. The struggle is enormous and the task uphill. Will he succeed in foiling Kripal Singh's evil mission?
To know the answer, you will have to view DHARTIPUTRA....
(From the official press booklets)